I still can't believe that I managed to take a picture almost every day of this year; I love having this record of the year and of those tiny little moments that would otherwise have gone undocumented.
Saying that, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to do the same for 2013. At times I found the need to take a photograph every day killed any sort of creativity. It became a chore and rather than looking for images that I loved, I was just anxious to take the day's picture and be done with it. Most of these, therefore, never made it to instagram because it felt like a box-ticking exercise rather than something that I really wanted to share.

8 o'clock // peace // something you heldblack and white // looking up // from your country

stars // someone you love // out and aboutunder // sweet // hat

lights // green // outdoorssomething you made // on the floor // makes you feel merry

something beginning with 's' // weather // treedecoration // joy is... // something you always do

lunch // mess // how you relaxcold // hot // self-portrait
Thank you for indulging me with these monthly posts and all the comments and encouragement I've had throughout the year. 2012 has been a whirlwind of emotion and a year that I will never forget and I have been so grateful to share that all with you.
Pictures from previous months can be found here: january / february / march / april / may / june july / august / september / october / november