I'm writing this from the terrace of my family's house in Provence. The place where I've spent the last 23 summers. This summer will be forever known as the summer that we got wireless internet.

It is seriously hot here. Yesterday it was over 39C/103F in the shade. Last night I took the rubbish out after supper and went to check the thermometer that's hanging on a wall on the other side of the building. At 9.30pm, the temperature was still in the mid-80s.
I was grateful therefore this morning when the latest issue of Foodie Crush landed in my google reader. Heidi, the force behind Foodie Crush (and, although I've never met her, I'm pretty sure she is a force) has brought so much to the world of food blogging. This is the second issue of the online magazine that she and her wonderful team of food blogging friends have put together and it is just stunning. Each picture just leaps of the page and demands to be made and eaten right there and then. It's filled with such vibrancy and light and joyfulness. Every page is an inspiration.
And I thrilled that one of my recipes is featured.
Every time we had a summer get-together, my mother would whip up a batch of Delia Smith's lemon meringue ice cream. A creamy but tangy lemon ice cream with shards of sweet chewy meringue; it was, and is, a joy to eat. And it doesn't require an ice cream maker, just a couple of whisks every few hours. I've taken Delia's recipe, amped up the lemon flavour and then sandwiched it between two chewy and spicy ginger biscuits. It's a flavour match made in heaven.
For the recipe, plus many more from some of my, and hopefully your, favourite bloggers, head over on over to Foodie Crush.