I'm sure Lindsay needs no introduction to many of you.

There doesn't seem to be much that Lindsay can't do. She blogs over at Love and Olive Oil, a blog filled with wonderful recipes and vibrant photography. In addition to that, she has a thriving business in designing many of my favourite blogs. Plus she posts lots of cat photos on instagram. What more could you want?
Well, I'll tell you what more you could want. An entire cookbook, written and photographed by Lindsay, all about cookie dough!

Lindsay's book, The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook, is being published in the UK at the end of July and the good folks over at Quirk Books kindly sent me a review copy.
2 1/2 years ago, Lindsay posted a recipe for cookie dough truffles on her blog. They were an immediate hit and remain one of the most popular posts on her site. Lindsay's cookie dough is egg-free and therefore completely safe to eat (not that that's ever really stopped me before). Above all though, it's really delicious.
The book contains more recipes involving cookie dough than you could ever imagine - cookie dough sandwiches, cookie dough brownies, cookie dough granola bars and many, many more.
To start with, however, I wanted to try something simple.

Lindsay includes several different recipes for cookie dough in her book from the basic chocolate chip cookie dough which forms the basis for many of the recipes to a peanut butter cookie dough that sounds too good to be true.
I decided to try Lindsay's inside out cookie dough truffles; a chocolate cookie dough rich with cocoa and white chocolate chips covered in a shell of white chocolate and topped with a grating of dark chocolate.
I made a couple of small changes to Lindsay's recipe using whole wheat flour instead of all purpose flour and using un-tempered white chocolate as the coating. The latter, which was as result of laziness rather than anything else, means that the truffles are best eaten straight from the fridge (or indeed the freezer as I did on occasion).
These little nuggets of genius were definitely one of the best things I've ever made, absolutely no hyperbole at all. I'm pretty sure that my boyfriend would happily live on these and these alone. We almost split up over who got the last one.
I want you all to go out and buy this book so I'm not going to give you the recipe but Lindsay's basic cookie dough truffle recipe is available on her site. She also just posted a recipe for mexican chocolate chip cookie dough truffles which I haven't been able to stop thinking about for days.
Congratulations Lindsay on such a fantastic book!
Disclosure: I received a free copy of The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook from Quirk books but all the opinions are my own. There is an Amazon link in this post but as I don't really understand what affiliate links are, I can assure you that it's not one and is purely for information.