It really doesn't seem possible that it's the beginning of April does it? I have such a vivid memory of starting on the January photo a day challenge on New Year's Day when I was feeling surprisingly sprightly. Now I've completed three months of challenges and I love looking back over the pictures that I've taken and the tiny little moments of my life that I captured which would otherwise have gone completely undocumented.
I started off this month doing both the Fat Mum Slim photo a day challenge and a food photo a day challenge. The second fell rather by the wayside for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it is really quite difficult to take an iPhone picture of some protein late it night without it looking completely vomit-worth. Secondly, life (and by life, I mean work) got really busy towards the end of the month and there was barely time to go to the loo, let alone eat. And remember to take a picture of what I was eating.
I'm glad, however, that I stuck to at least one of the photo a day challenges. As ever, I'm sharing the results below. Apologies if you've already seen most of these pictures on twitter and/or instagram.

up // fruit // your neighbourhoodbedside // a smile // 5pm

something you wore // window // redloud // someone you talked to today // fork

a sign // clouds // car sunglasses // green // a corner of your home

funny // before/after // deliciouskitchen sink // moon // an animal

breakfast // key // your nametoy // trash // feet // where you relax