Like many others, I took part in a January photo a day challenge that's been doing the rounds on the internet. All of these pictures will be familiar to you if you follow me on instagram and many were shared on twitter as well but I think together they give a fairly good insight into what a month in my life is like. Except there is usually more cake.

you // breakfast // something you adoreletterbox // makes you smile // something you wore

favourite // your sky // daily routinechildhood // where you sleep // close up

in your bag // something you're reading // happinessmorning // water // something you bought

sweet // someone you love // reflectionshoes // something old // guilty pleasure

something you made // colour // lunchlight // in your fridge // nature
And because 31 doesn't divide by 6, you get a bonus picture of me in the bathroom at work. Aren't you lucky?
All of the pictures were taken with my iPhone and uploaded to instagram. For those of you that don't know, instagram is a social networking app where people can upload their iPhone photos and apply various effects and filters. Like twitter, you can follow people and comment on their pictures.
I have found, however, that the photo editing tools in instagram are slightly limiting and so I use a variety of apps to create different effects. For general editing, I use snapseed which allows me to crop, blur, and straighten the image as I see fit.
After that, I tend to use other apps to play with the image. Two of my favourites are Noir which lets you create some very atmospheric black and white and tinted images (for example the first picture of me taken, incidentally, on the tube home after our New Year's Eve party or the nature picture) and Picture Show which allows you to use various coloured filters and lens effects like the scratched surface of the sweet picutre.
I think iphoneography is a very different discipline to standard photography. The emphasis can be as much on how you process the image as how you capture it. I don't think it will ever replace my proper camera but I have enjoyed seeing what it's possible to do within the limits of my iPhone. February's photo challenge starts today and I can't wait to get started.