Bakes & More   +  photography

july in a photo a day

Well, July was a pretty crazy month. In a good way though; definitely in a good way. It started in London with my brother's first gig and a few days of work. Then it was off to France for a week or so before coming back to London for the start of the Olympic Games. It's been one long surge of adrenalin.
So here is my round up of the month via the July photo a day challenge. And for some reason there are more pictures of me (normally minus a head) than there have been in all the other months put together...

self portrait // busy // funbest part of your day // on the floor // chair

garden // lunch // bigyour favourite colour // letter // texture

open // building // fingersign // your addiction // plate

animal/insect/pet // 9 o'clock // upside downmirror // stranger // heart

sunshine // on the road // cuplast thing you bought // cup // toothbrush
I don't really know that I can put into words how much fun I've had in July but August is already shaping up to match it, if not to beat it. Yesterday was my only day in the office for the month. That's pretty good going isn't it? This next week is going to be a manic mix of packing for holiday and Olympicing, most of which I'm sure I will document via instagram.